The SIMPSONS and Bongo Comics

One of the most iconic entertainment properties in the world is Matt Groening’s The Simpsons. I have had the amazing good fortune to work on multiple comic book franchises through Matt’s publishing company, BONGO Comics.


At the start of each title, I receive the original black and white inked artwork in digital files and an accompanying script. After reviewing both, I begin to envision a color style that will work within the established color guide of Springfield. I then work within those parameters to bring each page to life, panel by panel.


I’m a huge fan of The Simpsons and have had the honor of adding colorful life to stories that include just about every citizen in Springfield (Not Shelbyville!).


One of my favorite stories to design was Tree House Of Horror #21. This classic is a comedic spoof on Steven Spielberg's movie Gremlins. Apu accidentally lets a box of Bart gremlins get into the Super Squishy machine after midnight.

This story let me do some dynamic color design that really let Apu shine as the hero.


One of my highlights working with the talented team at BONGO, was getting to work on a few Sergio Aragonés’ stories. A legendary artist and comic book icon in his own right, his work has always been inspirational and I jumped at the chance to work on  his titles when possible.


I’ve also contributed to multiple issues of FUTURAMA, including color designing the complete 50th issue for a San Diego Comic Con Special Edition. From its diverse cast of characters to outer space realms and offbeat planetary destinations, FUTURAMA has a wider palette and allows for more creative color design and expression.

Below are a few highlights from multiple stories I’ve color designed.




Disney Epic Mickey